How To Know If You�re in the Right Career

All of us question our careers at some point or another. Whether you’ve had a bad day in the office or an enticing offer from another company, we all wonder sometimes if we should be working in a different job or a different field entirely.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to figure out if you’re in the right career:

Do you enjoy getting up & going to work?

One of the biggest indicators that your job is right for you is if you actually enjoy getting up and going to work! Sure, we all have days when we’d rather stay in bed, but if you’re excited to go in on most days, you’re definitely in the right career. Whether you have great clients, challenging projects, or fun co-workers, all of those are good indicators that you’re in the job you’re meant to be in.

Is your salary an issue?

I know so many people who thoroughly enjoy their jobs regardless of pay. Some lower paying jobs like working in a non-profit or being an elementary school teacher can be the most rewarding. So if you love your job regardless of the number on your paycheck, you know that you’ve found something good.

Do you spend time wishing you were somewhere else?

Some people spend all of their time in their cubicle wishing they were somewhere else, anywhere else in fact. Once 5:00 p.m. hits, they jump out of their seats, and they can’t wait to get home. If this is you, it’s time to reevaluate why you entered your career to begin with.

Do you perform well?

Some people are just born to do certain jobs. If you’re the top salesman, always winning the best teacher award, or getting promoted easily, you likely have an aptitude for the job you are in. These are all great reasons to stay in a career, especially if you love it.


Essentially, there are many reasons that you should stay in your career. These mainly revolve around whether or not you are happy in your job and whether or not you are appreciated for the work that you do.

However, if you can’t answer the questions above with certainty, it might be time to do some soul searching. Remember, life is too short to be in a job you don’t love.