My short time in the real world has taught me that networking is the most effective way to land a job. After months of sending thoughtful cover letters into the Internet void to no avail, I focused my energy on networking–and was markedly more successful. At first I was very nervous and timid about bothering people. However, I soon found that meeting new people to discuss careers can be fun, and that many people have gone through the same process and are more than happy to help.
You may already know someone who knows someone who can help you get a job. Don’t be afraid to ask!
Networking is especially crucial if you have little work experience, if you’re switching careers, or if you’re moving to a new place where your credentials might not speak for themselves. From an employer’s perspective, it is easier and less risky to hire someone who can be vouched for by a friend or colleague. It might take you some time to build your network and cultivate professional relationships, but you should be patient, kick your social charm up a notch, and persevere.
Based on my experience, here are a few tips:
The best places to look for networking advice online are college websites. Try Wellesley College, Harvard, or Kenyon College for some great instructions.